Best Fields To Work From Home

December 15, 2022

In 2022, opportunities to work from home are everywhere. Due to advances in technology, working remotely is becoming more and more feasible as employers look to save the cost of physical space and require their employees to telecommute. Where telecommuting used to be uncommon, opportunities are endless for a motivated and determined employee. While it takes an incredibly motivated and determined employee, the best opportunities to work from home are in the following fields.


Transcription is an easy career path to fall into because the you most likely have everything you need to begin already: a good Internet connection, a headset, and good typing skills. For specialized fields, like medical transcriptions, experience is required but there are a number of sites that will work with you as you learn. As a general transcriptionist, you won't make a full-time career out of it until you've gained more experience with the company you've chosen.


Advertising on social media has become a requirement for companies looking to get the word out about their products. Over the years, blogging has become a niche market for people who want a side hustle. With a blog, you can pick a topic you are passionate about and write about it. Topics should be something that touches on your daily life so you will always have content. As your readership grows, place affiliate links on your site to earn additional money. It won’t be a cash cow right away, but with time, the additional funds could add up into the thousands of dollars.


These days, coding is a part of almost every school curriculum. If you have some design or coding experience, market yourself as the solution for small businesses who need websites. In some cases, all you need to know is a bit of Wordpress or Tumblr to attract the customers who need your service. If you’re able to advertise that you are also social media saavy, the more marketable you will be to find clients.


We live in an age where teachers are required to teach their students to perform on year end tests as funding is wrapped up in the performance. Because of this, parents are always looking for tutors will assist as their kids get more advanced in school. As a tutor, you're likely to be spending time with children, but you might also be able to work remotely. Those who are fluent in a foreign language, know how to code or understand math, are always needed and parents will pay a premium for.


The benefits of a virtual assistant are endless. A virtual assistant helps with certain tasks for small business owners, coaches or entrepreneurs. Working remotely as a virtual assistant would require knowledge of calendar applications, travel websites, and a high attention to detail. The benefit to an employer is not only having the assistant but being able to use a remote assistant as they might also work remotely.


We live in a flat world where business happens at warp speed all over the globe. If you are bilingual and if you have knowledge of business practices, you can often from home as a translator. Often fluency is determined simply by speaking that language, being able to read, understand grammar and style rules will set you apart.


A freelance writer doesn’t need a lot of experience but will still need to be able to work under strict guidelines from clients and be able to turn around deadlines quickly. Working as a freelance writer could mean writing copy for marketing materials, blog posts, emails, and brochures.


Direct sales reps sell products to people which are supposed to enhance their lives and make daily tasks easier. Whether it's Tupperware, Pampered Chef or Stella and Dot, a direct sales rep sells products directly through parties and contacts. A key to success in this market is having a network of people who are already using the products you are trying to sell.